Wall of Mercy Plaques, Family Names: Ha-Ma

Kath Hamill

Plaque 32

Kath Hamill

I chose my oldest sister, Nony, because she represents the word “mercy” in every sense – graceful, compassionate and exudes kindness in all that she does.

There was one day in my early 20s when Nony was driving me to the airport.I got angry when

the car in front of us suddenly made a right turn without indicating but Nony said calmly, “maybe he didn’t realise his indicator wasn’t working”.That’s very her, always slow to anger, always seeing the good rather than the faults in others.That incident made me realise how much I wanted to be like her, and to raise a God-loving family, just like her.

To this day she continues to inspire me with her unwavering faith in God and leading a prayerful life.She’s my oldest sibling but more importantly, she’s a role model to me in more ways than she ever realised.

by: Jackson Habib

John Hayes aka Mick/Poppa

Plaque 3

John Hayes
aka Mick/Poppa

I chose Aunty Thelma because she was not only my aunty, but also my best friend.When I was growing up she was the person I could talk to about anything.She never had children of her own but we spent a lot of time together going on holidays and I used to spend a lot of time at her house. She was always so kind and pleasant to everyone she met and loved me unconditionally.

by: Manson Family

Pam Hegarty

Plaque 110

Pam Hegarty

I chose Nola Curran because she is kind, willing to help and inclusive of others.She is a hard worker and shows compassion and understanding to those less fortunate in her daily life and work every day.Nola is a great role model to those around her.She is gracious and is willing with her time for me and by this I know that I am loved.She drives and encourages me to follow my heart and my dreams.

by: Brian Hegarty

Louise Hinds

Plaque 1

Louise Hinds

I chose Nancy and Marjorie because these two ladies have been a part of my life for almost 70 years. One of strong Catholic Italian back ground, the other equally strong Church of England. To me they represent grace, humanity, charity, love and kindness. Always there when needed, no questions asked, ready to help whatever the situation.

by: Pauline Williams

Brian Hodgson

Plaque 46

Brian Hodgson

I chose Nancy and Marjorie because these two ladies have been a part of my life for almost 70 years. One of strong Catholic Italian back ground, the other equally strong Church of England. To me they represent grace, humanity, charity, love and kindness. Always there when needed, no questions asked, ready to help whatever the situation.

by: Abbey Fletcher

Doris Holmes

Plaque 64

Doris Holmes

I chose Lyn Davey because she knits hats and clothing for babies in hospital and the under privileged. Lyn always welcomes you with open arms. She spends so much time helping others and it’s important to her to pay her respects to God in church. When I grow up I would like to be like Lyn.

by: Amelia Chapman

Mrs. Ethel Hunt

Plaque 15

Mrs. Ethel Hunt

I chose Jacinta because she is kind, loving, and friendly and she always tries cheering people up.She loves everyone she meets including me.Jacinta shows mercy and grace wherever she goes.

by: Noel and Marea Richardson

Sr. Kathleen Ignatius R.S.M.

Plaque 166

Sr. Kathleen Ignatius

I chose Grandpa because he was dedicated to his faith and living how God wants us to.Leading by example and passing on important Christian values, including being kind, compassionate, faithful, respectful and loving.Admired by his 5 children, 17 grandchildren, 10 great grandchildren and everyone who met him.

by: Angela Shepherd

Rita Ignatius & Sr. Margaret Ignatius R.S.M.

Plaque 142

Rita Ignatius &
Sr. Margaret Ignatius R.S.M.

I chose Nan because in her younger years she suffered due to illness and spent a long time away from her family.As a consequence, she had a lot of empathy and compassion for anyone in need.Due to her physical restrictions, her way of helping people was to pray for whatever needs they had.

by: Damien Shepherd

Jane Jacinto

Plaque 170

Jane Jacinto

I chose Grandad because he was a Staff Sergeant Signals Training Officer of the Nigerian Army in the 1960’s.Grandad helped the Nigerians protect their country.He often had to show compassion to his troops knowing the times they had been through.

by: Flavia

Suzie Mascarenhas

Plaque 190

Suzie Mascarenhas

I chose my sister because she always told me to be good.Just before she died, just after her first Communion, she held my hand and said “I’ll be waiting for you in heaven, always love Jesus”.These words are in my head every day.

by: Etta D’Souza

Anna Massarotti

Plaque 29

Anna Massarotti

I chose my parents because they helped many people throughout their lives.During WWII by “slightly overbrowning” pies and pasties in their pie shop and reducing prices (or giving for free) to enable needy people to have a meal with dignity, then over many years taking food to families in need.They never had much money but helped many in need.

by: Tony and Fiona Massarotti and family